Marcus Hill

Why Contact Marcus?

I win DWI cases because I meticulously prepare every aspect of your case to give you the best chance for a favorable outcome.

Remember, in the United States, you are innocent until proven guilty.

My focus is on fighting for you and achieving not guilty verdicts.

Free Initial Consultation: Understanding Your Situation and Planning Your Defense

At our first meeting, which is free of charge, we'll discuss the details of your case thoroughly. I'll explain the potential consequences if you're found guilty, addressing your worst-case scenario. Often, the unknown is the most intimidating part of facing charges. By the end of our meeting, you'll have a clear understanding of all possible punishments and consequences, easing your concerns and helping you feel more prepared.

If you can spare a few minutes, I'd like to share how I approach a DWI case.

My Approach to DWI Cases

I start every case with the belief that the state cannot prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Unfortunately, many lawyers begin their analysis assuming guilt, leading to more guilty pleas or convictions for their clients.

Of course, some cases are challenging to win, and sometimes there may be significant penalties for pleading not guilty. We'll carefully consider this and make an informed decision on how to proceed. If pleading guilty is the best option, the District Attorney often dismisses other related charges, which can be beneficial if those charges carry severe penalties or could result in a criminal record.

You might wonder, "But Marcus, won't the judge punish me more harshly if we plead not guilty and are found guilty?"  Generally, if I'm your attorney, the judge will not impose a harsher sentence after a trial, and I'll confirm this before we plan our strategy. We'll be prepared for any outcome.

Preparing for Trial

I view a trial as an opportunity to win, and to do so, I need the judge to be engaged. We'll bring some light-heartedness to the court, perhaps share a joke, to ensure we're seen as the good guys. Our trial won't be a lackluster effort to get a break; I focus on the strong points of our case, stipulating only to what is necessary to avoid wasting time. Judges and district attorneys know that I'm efficient and prepared, so everyone will need to stay alert as things move quickly. I come to court ready, with the necessary cases, manuals, and experts to support our position.

Additionally, we'll discuss the rules for testifying and courthouse behavior - how to dress, act, and effectively present yourself. You'll know the questions you'll face and how to convincingly tell the truth. We'll practice your testimony and body language, ensuring every detail of your courtroom presentation is polished. As the saying goes, "Chance favors the prepared mind." We'll be thoroughly prepared, leaving no opportunity unaddressed.

Considering the Outcomes

You might ask, "What if things go badly and I'm convicted?"  To answer that, I'll need to review your specific case. Then, I can provide a clear picture of the possible punishments and likely outcomes.

For more insight into my work, check out my War Stories to see how I handle various situations, some of which may be similar to yours.

If this is the kind of lawyer you're looking for, call me right away at 919-688-1941 or contact me through the site to set up your free consultation. Whatever you decide, our meeting will equip you with valuable insights to help you plan your next steps. Together, we'll navigate this challenge to ensure it doesn't disrupt your present or future.

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