July, 2011, Issue 4: Which better uncovers bias: juror questionnaires or oral voir dire?
July, 2011, Issue 3: Do minority jurors participate less in deliberations than White jurors?
July, 2011, Issue 2: Do male jurors talk more than female jurors in deliberations?
July, 2011, Issue 1: How does litigants' race influence verdicts in sexual harassment cases?
June, 2011, Issue 4: How do interpreters affect the credibility of witnesses?
June, 2011, Issue 3: When do jurors first form their verdict preferences?
June, 2011, Issue 2: What speech style is most effective for witnesses?
June, 2011, Issue 1: Which dissenting jurors hang juries versus conform to majority opinion?
April, 2011, Issue 4: Do jurors treat alcohol abuse and child abuse as mitigators in capital cases?
April, 2011, Issue 3: Do jurors like cultural explanations of conduct in sexual harassment cases?
April, 2011, Issue 2: How do jurors handle conflicting expert testimony?
April, 2011, Issue 1: Do jurors discuss insurance in deliberations when awarding damages?
March, 2011, Issue 4: Can jurors follow instructions limiting use of a defendant's prior conviction?
March, 2011, Issue 3: What criteria do jurors use to judge the credibility of expert testimony?
March, 2011, Issue 2: Are juror questions for witnesses helpful or disruptive?
March, 2011, Issue 1: How does witness instruction in cross-exam techniques affect answers?
February, 2011, Issue 4: How do jurors' litigation crisis beliefs affect punitive damage awards?
February, 2011, Issue 3: Do jurors believe confessions can be false?
February, 2011, Issue 2: Do jurors discuss attorneys' fees when awarding damages?
February, 2011, Issue 1: How do apologies affect settlement demands?
January, 2011, Issue 4: How are jurors' religious beliefs related to death penalty verdicts?
January, 2011, Issue 3: Are defendants who lose civil jury trials at a disadvantage on appeal?
January, 2011, Issue 2: Do juror demographics predict punitive damages in high-stakes cases?
January, 2011, Issue 1: How does cross-examination question phrasing affect witness accuracy?
December, 2010, Issue 4: When is playing the race card an effective strategy?
December, 2010, Issue 3: How do jurors judge the severity of sexual harassment?
December, 2010, Issue 2: How does a defendant's facial expression affect jury verdicts?
December, 2010, Issue 1: Do bench or jury trials yield more mistakenly rejected settlement offers?
November, 2010, Issue 4: How well do jurors understand jury instructions?
November, 2010, Issue 3: Do complex questions to child witnesses help or hurt the defense?
November, 2010, Issue 2: Does it help or hurt when racial differences are a salient issue at trial?
November, 2010, Issue 1: Do jurors think sexual harassment by email or in person is worse?
October, 2010, Issue 4: Does a per diem or lump sum request yield a larger pain and suffering award?
October, 2010, Issue 3: Do plaintiffs need to be careful of how much money they request?
October, 2010, Issue 2: Do jurors expect scientific evidence in criminal cases?
October, 2010, Issue 1: How able are jurors to disregard stricken evidence?
September, 2010, Issue 4: How often are jurors presented invalid scientific evidence?
September, 2010, Issue 3: Do larger per diem requests for noneconomic damages lead to larger awards?
September, 2010, Issue 2: How well do jurors understand jury instructions on reasonable doubt?
September, 2010, Issue 1: Do jurors believe non-native speakers are as truthful as native speakers?
August, 2010, Issue 4: To what extent do juries discuss jury instructions in deliberations?
August, 2010, Issue 3: How does racial composition of a jury affect capital sentencing?
August, 2010, Issue 2: In which cases is settlement most often mistakenly rejected?
August, 2010, Issue 1: Who most often mistakenly rejects settlement -- plaintiffs or defendants?
July, 2010, Issue 4: How do ‘CCCP 998 offers’ affect settlement decisions?
July, 2010, Issue 2: What do jurors think of circumstantial evidence?
July, 2010, Issue 1: Can jurors distinguish circumstantial and direct evidence?
February, 2009, Issue 2: Does refutation of peripheral details hurt an eyewitness's credibility?
February, 2009, Issue 1: How does a juror's locus of control influence liability decisions?
January, 2009, Issue 4: How does a juror's occupation affect damage awards?
January, 2009, Issue 3: How does a juror's social class influence understanding of evidence?
January, 2009, Issue 2: How do multiple charges against a defendant influence jurors' verdicts?
January, 2009, Issue 1: How does pre-instruction about damages influence damage awards?
December, 2008, Issue 4: Do jurors answer fully and truthfully in voir dire?
December, 2008, Issue 3: Which excuses do jurors believe excuse criminal acts?
December, 2008, Issue 2: Do jurors award the same or different damages as arbitrators and judges?
December, 2008, Issue 1: Have jurors made up their mind by the end of opening statements?
November, 2008, Issue 4: How does jurors' authoritarianism affect criminal verdicts?
November, 2008, Issue 3: Do jurors punish plaintiffs who request too much money?
November, 2008, Issue 1: Can closing argument reduce jurors' use of "20-20 hindsight"?
October, 2008, Issue 4: What questioning style is most effective for discrediting an expert witness?
October, 2008, Issue 2: Do jurors award more money when given general or special verdict forms?
September, 2008, Issue 4: How do jurors treat plaintiffs who don't speak English?
September, 2008, Issue 3: Are jurors fairer to Hispanic defendants with Hispanic attorneys?
September, 2008, Issue 2: How does viewing a crime scene videotape affect jury verdicts?
August, 2008, Issue 4: When are attractive defendants convicted more than unattractive defendants?
August, 2008, Issue 3: To what standard of care do jurors hold auditors?
August, 2008, Issue 1: How do successful and unsuccessful prosecutors and defense attorneys speak?
July, 2008, Issue 4: Is individual or group voir dire more effective at identifying juror bias?
July, 2008, Issue 3: When are juries more lenient toward African-American than White defendants?
July, 2008, Issue 1: How does expert testimony about eyewitness fallibility affect verdicts?
June, 2008, Issue 4: Do jurors protect civil rights when illegal searches find illegal items?
June, 2008, Issue 3: Do jurors return verdicts in accordance with a judge's leaning?
June, 2008, Issue 2: What do jurors think about whiplash cases?
May, 2008, Issue 2: What is the effect of minimal versus expanded voir dire?
May, 2008, Issue 1: How important are demographic characteristics in predicting jurors' verdicts?
April, 2008, Issue 3: Can voir dire questions help jurors set aside a litigant's prior record?
April, 2008, Issue 2: How does prior jury experience affect jurors' verdicts?
April, 2008, Issue 1: When does exposing inconsistencies in witness testimony affect verdicts?
March, 2008, Issue 4: Are leading or non-leading questions better at exposing inaccurate witnesses?
March, 2008, Issue 1: How often does a jury's minority sway the majority to its point of view?
February, 2008, Issue 4: Do jurors differentiate what is stated in testimony from what is implied?
February, 2008, Issue 3: Are witnesses who don't speak English less credible to jurors?
February, 2008, Issue 1: Are silent jurors in voir dire unbiased jurors?
January, 2008, Issue 4: Which jurors are most influenced by the use of courtroom technology?
January, 2008, Issue 2: Do female or male criminal defense attorneys get more acquittals?
January, 2008, Issue 1: Do female or male prosecutors get more convictions?
December, 2007, Issue 6: How does pretrial publicity in a civil case affect jury verdicts?
December, 2007, Issue 5: What is the effect of a promise made in opening that goes unfulfilled?
December, 2007, Issue 3: Are brief or extensive opening statements more effective?
December, 2007, Issue 2: Are judges better than juries at setting inadmissible evidence aside?
December, 2007, Issue 1: How do jurors understand an entrapment defense?
November, 2007, Issue 6: Are jurors more persuaded by attorneys of their own or another race?
November, 2007, Issue 5: Do male or female defense attorneys get more acquittals in rape trials?
November, 2007, Issue 4: Does pre-instructing juries about due process rights influence verdicts?
November, 2007, Issue 3: Do larger or smaller juries perform better?
November, 2007, Issue 2: Why do juries hang?
November, 2007, Issue 1: How do jurors perceive corporate defendants?
October, 2007, Issue 5: Do religious appeals most help the prosecution or defense in capital cases?